Typical Day On Kilimanjaro

Typical Day On Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro promises a thrilling action-packed adventure with diverse new experiences. Nevertheless, there are some daily routines you got to abide by during these several days’ Kilimanjaro Hike. Thus, we are giving you a brief overview of what a Typical Day On Kilimanjaro looks like. So read on….

Schedule For Normal Days

Waking up

Each morning, our Kilimanjaro Travel Guides will wake you up between 6:00 and 6:30. They will offer you a hot drink and warm water for personal washing.

NB: You will mostly just be washing your face and your hands since there are no shower facilities on the mountain.

Freshen up then pack your kits and other belongings.


Your breakfast would be served between 7:00 and 7:30. You’ll be having your breakfast in our spacious dining tents equipped with tables, chairs, dinnerware, and silverware.

Enjoy your warm breakfast while our team packs your tent.

Our Climb Kilimanjaro Guide will brief you on the plan for the day’s Kilimanjaro Climb during your breakfast. After that get ready to move to the next camp.

Routine Health Checkups

After breakfast, a basic health check-up will be done by our guides. We will monitor your vitals and update your health chat. Our experts will measure our heartbeat and the oxygen saturation in our blood by putting a simple clip (pulse oximeter) on our index finger.

We urge you to be honest and upfront with our experts. They will also answer any questions or concerns you may have for the rest day climbing.

Ideally, you will start Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro a little after 8 am. Your Kilimanjaro Crew will finish cleaning up the camping site as you set off.


Ideally, you’ll begin your Kilimanjaro Climb between 8:00 and 8:30 each morning.  Your trekking hours hugely depend upon the route and the day but on most days you’ll trek for around 4 to 7 hours.

Our Kilimanjaro Crew will finish cleaning up the camping site as you set off. They will clean the campsite, pack equipment, tents and then trek ahead of you to prepare food, arrange water and set up the next camp.

Even if the staff will leave the campsite later than you, then also they will reach before you in the next camp location. So expect to find your tent almost ready upon arrival.


Firstly we’ll provide you some warm water upon your arrival at the next camp (which has been set up before your arrival). After that, you will be served coffee, tea, or hot chocolate with snacks in your mess tent.

Then you will be served a delicious hot lunch.

On longer days you will have either a lunch box or picnic lunch halfway. If the weather permits, we set a table outside to enjoy nature.

After lunch, you’ll rest a bit before commencing the trek towards your next camp.

In the Afternoon

Rainfall is quite common especially during the afternoon and at lower altitudes. Hence, we strongly recommend you to carry waterproof or at least trench coats, rain capes or an umbrella (sounds funny, but it’s really useful!).

 You will reach your next camp by the late afternoon. After that, you unpack, relax, and enjoy our afternoon snack, which usually included popcorn or peanuts and a hot drink.

You can utilize the time in the camps until dinner to chat with other travelers or to discover the area. Card, as well as board games, can also be a nice pastime.

Arrival at camp

Our Kilimanjaro Porters will provide hot water for you to freshen up as soon as you arrive at the camp. Afterward, you can enjoy some coffee, tea, or hot chocolate with snacks in the mess tent.


Dinner is served around 7:00 pm in our spacious mess tents equipped with tables, chairs, dinnerware, and silverware.

After that you’re free to socialize with your fellow climbers, guides, and porters; you can also spend the time reading or just relaxing after a long day.

The only accommodation option on all routes is sleeping in tents at designated campsites. Not including the  Marangu Route where you’ll be sleeping in mountain huts.

We use waterproof sleeping tents for all climbers and staff.

Brief about the next day

Every evening after the meal, your guide will brief you on the subsequent day's schedule.

A regular briefing will entail things like what the next day would look like in terms of altitude, walking distance, and “dress code” for the night.

Schedule For Summit Night

Kilimanjaro Summit attempt will be tough. It will be a 12-16 hour hike. But this mammoth effort is what makes climbing Kilimanjaro an achievement. It begins very early as Kilimanjaro guides try to time their trekking party to reach Uhuru Peak at sunrise.

After you arrive at the Base Camp for the final preparation, you will have an early dinner followed by our regular briefing on how to dress for the summit. On this day you will go to bed earlier than on other days.

Our Kilimanjaro Guide will wake you up a little after 11:00 p.m. then you will get ready and have a light snack. You will be beginning your summit attempt at midnight.

You’ll begin your ascend in the cold and windy darkness. It goes without saying that under these conditions, climbing is difficult, especially on loose rock and very steep slopes.

You’ll reach the Uhuru peak summit just in time of dawn. There you will enjoy the awesome sunrise and the view up from the top.  After the due celebrations and superb clicks, you’ll begin your descent to either Barafu or Kibo Hut. There, you‘ll be eating lunch. Then rest a bit to regain your strength.

It is unwise to descend immediately after summiting. Because that is where most people get tired. You need to consider last night's lack of sleep, the expenditure of energy required for the successful summit to the peak, and especially the strain put up by long-distance covered that day. After a while, we’ll continue the descent to a much lower camp. This is completely normal & Jerry Tanzania Tours is always with you to make your Typical Day On Kilimanjaro with the Ascent & Descent successful.

Typical Day On Kilimanjaro FAQ’s

We Have Compiled A List Of The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro In General, And About Kilimanjaro Climbing Program, Get The Real Kilimanjaro Guide From Jerry Tanzania Tours.

Practically “No”. Any root you approach you never complete Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in just one day. In other hand you may face the high altitude sickness. It is likely to climb over 5 days but the shorter climbs have a much poorer success rate.

It is probable to Kilimanjaro Hiking Routes over 5 days but the shorter leads to lower success rate. Take at least 7 days to give physically a really good gamble of reaching the Uhuru Peak safely

Most of the mountaineers use to hike 3-10 miles per day, depending on what figure you're in and how much elevation gain there is. You may have to hike 7-8hrs on Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing.

Many trekkers Kilimanjaro Climb summit around midnight for final day. Hiking over the darkness to reach the summit by sunrise. For the first few times it will be freeze and cold, so you must have to slow and steady. Trying to avoid too many breakdowns along the path.

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