Marangu Route
Kilimanjaro Climb

Trust Our Experience On Marangu Route For 2022-23

Marangu Route starts from the south-east giving you an opportunity to sleep in the Huts, it is the only of its kind in the entire Kilimanjaro Routes. The locals and tourists call it the Coca-cola route as it is cheaper and easier to climb than the Machame route. Spending an extra day is highly recommended for proper acclimatization. You will ascend to the summit and descend back to the gate on the same path.

Many favour Marangu Route because it is considered to be the easiest path on the mountain, given its gradual slope and direct path. However, the short time frame of the route makes altitude acclimatization fairly difficult. The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the southeast. Marangu is, unfortunately, less scenic than the other routes because the ascent and descent are along the same path. It is also the most crowded route for that reason.


You can choose because it is considered to be the easiest path on the mountain, given its gradual slope and direct path. It also offers you the hut accommodation which is the only of its kind in Kilimanjaro routes. You will not need to add more porters as there is no need of carrying tents via the Marangu Route. If you add an extra day to the Marangu route, you have a success rate of 70% to the summit of Kilimanjaro and enjoy the scenic view in Uhuru Peak.


Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro via the Marangu route is easier compared to the other routes but the Marangu route for 5 days will not give you more time for proper acclimatization and you may get back due to altitude sickness. However, the recommended is; Marangu Route 6 Days, which gives you an additional day for acclimatization and also allows you to sleep in the lower elevation and spend more time on the mountains.


Marangu Route is the easiest route of all the Kilimanjaro routes. It has a direct path and you can ascend and descend by the same path. The only difficulty level in the Marangu route is, there is no proper time for acclimatization and the Marangu route of 5 days will not allow you to sleep in the lower elevation. This makes you not get adjusted to the higher altitude and ultimately you will be back to the gate. Hence, it is recommended to have an additional day for proper acclimatization and have a successful Kilimanjaro Summit via the Marangu route.


The total distance of the Marangu route is approximately 68 km from gate to gate. Here you can find the Day-wise kilometre calculation from the gate to the top.

  • Day 1: From the Marangu Gate, it is 8 km to the Mandara Hut.
  • Day 2: It will be a hard day and you will travel for 5.5-6 hours covering 11 km.
  • Day 3: Today is a meant for acclimatization. You will take a short-day hike to the Mawenzi Ridge. After spending a few moments in the area, you will descend back down to Horombo Hut.
  • Day 4: Keeping drinking water to avoid dehydration as you will climb 9 km.
  • Day 5: You will start at midnight with hot tea and biscuits as you will need to cover the distance of around 22 km.
  • Day 6: This is the final day on the mountain and you will need to travel 20 km.


Compared to other Kilimanjaro routes, Marangu Route Success Rate is low which is between 60% to 70%. The reason for this you will not get time for proper acclimatization and suffer from altitude sickness which will forcibly get you back to the gate. However, if you have an additional day for proper acclimatization, the Marangu route can give you a success rate of 80%.

Jerry Tanzania Tours hopes to provide prospect climbers with an all-inclusive guide about Kilimanjaro Marangu Route that contains valuable information to increase one’s chance of a successful summit when Climbing Kilimanjaro.

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Kilimanjaro Marangu Route To Look After

The Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Adventure …. Within Your Reach! Maximise your chance of success with a great Marangu Route packages. We help travellers make their mark on Kilimanjaro. Find, compare, book and climb.

Day 1 Airport Pick-Up - Drop Off At Hotel

A member of Jerry Tanzania Tours hospitality team greets you upon your arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport. He will drive you to Panama Garden Resort, where you will have all the essentials for a comfortable stay after a long flight, such as: pleasant rooms with hot showers, a restaurant with delicious choices, genial service team and access to the Internet. Your briefing, in the course of which your guides will provide all the details of the forthcoming trek, takes place at the appointed time. They will answer your questions and make sure you are properly equipped for the trek, providing rental gear when necessary.

Accommodation: Panama Garden Resort

Journey time and Distance: 1 hour’s drive, 40 km from Kilimanjaro International Airport to Moshi

Day 2 Moshi – Marangu Gate To Mandara Hut

After an early breakfast at your hotel (07.00hrs), you depart one hour later and arrive at the Marangu Gate around 9.00hrs, ready for registration and the start of the trek. Excitement builds as the porters load up equipment and you meet the professional trekking team who will accompany you up the mountain. Starting on the south-east side of Kilimanjaro, at an altitude of 1,879 metres and finishing the day at 2,720 metres, your total walking time today to Mandara Hut – where you will spend the night – is around 3.5 to 4 hours (excluding breaks), during which you cover just over 8 km/5 miles.

You start the walk-in mid-morning, take your picnic lunch at around 13.00hrs, and then continue the walk until you reach the hut at 16.00hrs. Dinner is served at 18.30hrs. Today’s walk, though almost entirely uphill, is a pleasant one, with perhaps the chance to see some blue monkeys or to admire the rainforest vegetation on the ascent. The rainforest is the chief feature of today’s landscape. Look out for the bright red impatiens kilimanjari flower, an iconic symbol of the mountain. At the end of the day, the giant heathers and bearded lichen begin to show themselves for the first time. The Mandara A-frame Huts, where you will sleep, feature solar-powered lighting, while water is supplied from a stream and there are flush toilets. As you will be sleeping in dormitory-style accommodation with others, bringing some earplugs is advisable!

Accommodation: Dormitory Beds, At Mandara Huts

Hiking Time and Elevation: 3.5 – 4 hours’ walking, from 1,879 at Marangu Gate to 2,720 m at Mandara Hut

Day 3 From Mandara Hut To Horombo Hut

Your early 07.00hrs breakfast prepares you for a 08.30hrs departure and today your 11 km/7 miles walk will take between 5.5 and 6 hours of actual walking time (excluding breaks) and you will climb a total of 1,000 metres to the finishing-point at Horombo (altitude: 3,720 metres).

On the way you will enjoy your picnic lunch at 13.00hrs, before continuing your climb and arriving at the hut at Horombo around 16.00hrs. Dinner will be served at 18.00hrs. On today’s walk, you will note that the forest landscape is quickly replaced by moorland and heather, as your route takes us past the renowned Maundi Crater. Altogether, the scenery today becomes more barren, but nevertheless some of Kilimanjaro’s iconic plant species can be seen today. Look out for the fascinating giant groundsels, lobelias and proteas. If you are lucky enough to have a clear day, you should get the first chance to see the snow-capped peak of Kibo and also the distinctive Mawenzi peak. Like Mandara, Horombo also consists of A-Frame huts and caters for those on the way up the mountain and those on the way back down. Once again, you will be in dormitory accommodation.

Accommodation: Dormitory Accommodation, At Horombo Hut

Hiking time and Elevation: 5.5 – 6 hours’ walking, from 2,720 m at Mandara Hut to 3,720 m at Horombo Hut

Day 4 Horombo Hut – Zebra Rocks – Horombo Hut

Today is your extra day for acclimatization, a very important part of your program as it allows vital extra time for adapting to the mountain air, which becomes ever thinner as you ascend. Everyone is given the option today to visit the Zebra Rocks (4,100 meters), which involves a 90 – minute climb and a return descent to the Horombo Hut (3,720 meters) for a second night. Don’t expect to see a zebra at these rocks, however, as they take their name from their stripy black and white colour, caused by the effects of mineral-laden water on the lava rockface.

Horombo is a busy stopover, being used by both climbers and descenders on Marangu, as well as those descending on the Rongai Route. The presence of abundant water at Horombo (3,720 meters) means that you have the ‘luxury’ of toilets and even washbasins! Look around you today and you will notice that you are reaching the point where the moorland scenery runs out, to be replaced by Alpine desert. And although there is definitely no zebra here, you may be surprised to find some species of rodents and birds this high on the mountain.

Accommodation: Dormitory Accommodation, At Horombo Hut

Hiking time and Elevation: 2-3 Hours, 3,720 M At Horombo Hut To Zebra Rocks At 4,100 M And Return To Horombo Hut 3,720 M

Day 5 From Horombo Hut To Kibo Hut

From your Horombo starting point a 3,720m, today, you ascend a further 983 metres, covering around 9 km/6 miles and aiming to arrive at the hut at Kibo for your overnight stop by around 15.00hrs. Once again, you will start early, with a 07.00hrs breakfast and a 08.30hrs departure. Your walk to the Kibo Huts is expected to take you around 5-6 hours.

Where the path divides today, you choose to take the southern (left-hand) route. On this path you take the opportunity to fill up your water reserves at the Maua River, the last useable water supply at a height of around 4,000 metres. At first today’s stage is rather steep, and there is less vegetation, but you are rewarded with your first sight today of some of the famous ‘cones’ of Kilimanjaro. Picnic lunch is once again scheduled for 13.00hrs. After the Maua River, you climb towards the Mawenzi Ridge and across the barren, dry terrain known as the Saddle and head for the huts, which are at the bottom of the Kibo summit. Dinner tonight is at 17.30hrs and you are advised to get to bed early, in preparation for the midnight departure for the summit. Kibo Huts are made of stone and quite basic.

Accommodation: Dormitory Beds, At Kibo Huts

Hiking time and Elevation: 5 – 6 Hours ’Walking, From 3,720 M At Horombo Hut To 4,703 M At Kibo Hut

Day 6 Ascent To Uhuru Peak And Descent To Horombo Hut

Your schedule for your ‘Summit Day’ is very different. Rising at 23.00hrs, you take your tea and biscuits (23.30hrs) before a midnight departure. Today, you have 1,192 metres to climb, on what will be your toughest day, with around 10-13 hours of actual walking time and a total distance of 22 km/14 miles.

Your expectation is to reach the summit from 07.00hrs onwards. You begin on a rocky path, and then climb via a series of zig-zags which get ever tighter as you climb.

Your reference points on your ascent today are, first, William’s Point (5,000 metres), Hans Meyer Cave (5,151 metres) and then Gilman’s Point (5,685 metres). The focus today is on walking pole pole – that is, slowly. On reaching the top (5,895 metres), you take time to celebrate the successful climb, take photos and congratulate yourself, then make the descent to return to Kibo Hut (4,703 metres) for about 11.00hrs and take a very well-deserved, two-hour rest and enjoy a welcome brunch. Setting off again at 14.00hrs, you continue your descent until you reach the now-familiar Horombo Hut (3,720 metres) for about 17.00hrs. Dinner today will be served at 19.00hrs.

Accommodation: Dormitory Accommodation, At Horombo Hut

Hiking time and Elevation: 11-13 hours’ walking, from 4,703 m at Kibo Hut to the summit at 5,895 m, then down to 3,720 m at Horombo Hut

Day 7 Descent From Horombo Hut To Marangu Gate – Moshi

After breakfast at your now-familiar time of 07.00hrs, you take the chance to thank your hard-working guides and porters at the important ‘Tipping Celebration’. Afterwards, you depart from Horombo Huts (3,720 metres) and start your descent down towards Marangu Gate (1,879 metres), stopping at Mandara Hut (2,720 metres) around midday for a cooked lunch.

Marangu Gate (1,879 metres) is usually reached by 16.00hrs, and today’s section is approximately 20 km/ 12 miles which takes you between 6.5 to 7 hours of walking time. Having reached Marangu Gate, you will be presented with your certificate, a fitting souvenir recognizing your tremendous effort. You then return by vehicle to Moshi, to the comfort of your hotel, for your overnight stay and some deserved relaxation. Or perhaps, if you still have some energy, you can celebrate your wonderful achievement. After all, you have just climbed Africa’s highest mountain!

Accommodation: Panama Garden Resort

Hiking time and Elevation: 6.5 – 7 hours’ walking, from Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate, descending from 3,720 m to 1,879 m, then return by vehicle from Marangu Gate to your hotel 1 hours’ drive.

Day 8 Departure - Kilimanjaro International Airport

After a good night’s rest at your hotel, you will take breakfast ready for the scheduled check-out by 10.00hrs.(If you wish to remain in the hotel during the day, please advise us of this when you book your trip and we will inform you of the cost for a ‘day room’ which allows you to stay until 18:00hrs, and then make the booking on your behalf.)

As the transfer services have been already included in this package, you will be collected from your hotel and dropped off at the airport. For those travellers who have booked to go on safari, our Jerry Tanzania Tours guide will be meeting you in the afternoon to provide you with a pre-safari briefing.

Prices For Marangu Route

The Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Cost & Price from Jerry Tanzania Tours! Get a great Kilimanjaro Marangu Route packages with affordable prices. Find, compare, book and climb.

* All payments in Tanzania are in USD only. The prices in other currencies are given for comparison only.

6 Day Marangu Route

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8+ pax

Marangu Route









6 Days Marangu Route

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Marangu Route









6 Day Marangu Route

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Marangu Route









6 Days Marangu Route

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Marangu Route









6 Days Marangu Route

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8+ pax

Marangu Route










Jerry Tanzania – Transfers:
  • Return transfer from Kilimanjaro International Airport to accommodation in Moshi;

  • Return transfer from accommodation in Moshi to the entry gate into Kilimanjaro National Park.

Jerry Tanzania Trip Safety:Helicopter Rescue

A helicopter rescue service will be provided to air transfer you (during daylight hours only) in an emergency from the mountain to hospital in Moshi. Note that this service will only be applicable if you have medical insurance which covers high altitude trekking up to 6,000 meters, and this service is always subject to weather conditions.

Jerry Tanzania – Trip Crew:
  • Professional guides, licensed by Kilimanjaro National Park. All our guides are well-equipped to handle medical emergencies as they have undergone various High-Altitude Medical Emergency Training to save the lives of climbers who fall sick on the mountain.

  • Dedicated support crew (assistant guides, porters, cooks, etc.).

  • One night at 3* hotel (Panama Garden Resort or Altezza Lodge) before the expedition and one night after; The hotels have everything for your comfortable stay - caring staff, nice rooms, reliable Wi-Fi, restaurant and swimming pool).

  • Accommodation in huts. An average hut fits in 6-8 people. Allocation of huts is ruled by rangers of the national park. We will do our best to arrange separate huts for our groups, but during busy months you’re likely to share huts with climbers from other groups. Marangu huts are fitted with bunk beds. Our comfortable 2-inch thick mattress will be put on your bunk beds, and you’ll feel safe and snug in your sleeping bag. During the rainy season huts will provide extra shelter from rain and wind!.

Please Note:

All hotel accommodation is based on a sharing basis (i.e. you will be sharing with your travel companion a twin/double room. If you travel solo on a group expedition, we will room you with a same-sex participant. Single occupancy in huts is not possible because of the rules of Kilimanjaro National Park.

  • Breakfast in the hotel before and after the trek.

  • All meals on the trek. Our Kilimanjaro diet includes energy-rich and highly nutritious meals prepared by our professional high-altitude cooks. In our menu you will find different soups, garnishes, several types of fish and meat, fresh fruit and vegetables; vegetarian/gluten-free/halal options are available at no extra cost.

  • All drinks on the trek (juices, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and water).

  • We send a resupply of fresh food from our office to your hut on Day 3.

Entrance Fees:

All park fees collected by the Kilimanjaro National Park (conservation fees, hut fees, crew fees, rescue fees and all other fees collected by the Tanzania National Parks Authority).

Hiking and safety equipment:
  • Communal Dining Spots

  • Simple Toilets - Flushable And "Long Drop".

  • Crockery and Cutlery.

  • Dry Bag (To Protect Your Duffel Bag).

  • Bottled oxygen and pulse oximeter.

  • GPS-Tracking Service.

  • Complete Medical Kits including Diamox.


Of course, we have a high success rate and your trip includes a Certificate of Achievement if you make it to the summit at Uhuru (5,895 metres). But your trip includes a Certificate of Achievement even if you only reach Gilman’s Point (5,685 metres).


Travel Insurance:

We advise you to purchase Travel insurance for your Kilimanjaro trek as it protects you from accidents and unforeseen circumstances, you’d never dream of happening on your once-in-a-lifetime trek.

Make sure your travel insurance covers you for:

  • Emergency Rescues

  • Overseas Medical expenses

  • Delays in flights and other delays, etc.

Entry visa for Tanzania:

$100 per person for USA Citizens and $50 per person for All Other Nationalities. You can find out more about Kilimanjaro Visa

Personal & Medical items:
  • Locks for bags

  • Money belt

  • Sewing kit

  • Wet wipes

  • Antibacterial gel

  • Prescription medication

Tips for the trip crew:

We would like to suggest an amount of $275 - $305 per person which is shared with the entire trekking team. It is perfectly acceptable to give more or less than that amount.

Personal Gear:
  • Though all group camping equipment is included in our Kilimanjaro packages, your personal outfit (mostly clothes for climbing) is not. Thus, you should bring all personal gear for your Kilimanjaro adventure. Our consultants will let you know what you will need for the expedition.

  • If you do not have certain gear, you may hire everything necessary from us. All equipment is new (we renew our stock every six months). However, remember that personal gear hire is not included in your tour price and extra fees apply.

Join Marangu Route Group tours

Contact Expert On Kilimanjaro Group Climbs. Choose a rate that suits your budget and view the full tour. Please keep in mind that these Group Tours can be tailormade by speaking to one of our Travel Specialists. Get in touch with our experts for more information.

6 Days Marangu Route

10 Available / open

01 December 2024 to 08 December 2024

$1,976 Discount 10%

6 Days Marangu Route

10 Available / open

28 December 2024 to 05 January 2025

6 Days Marangu Route

10 Available / open

21 December 2024 to 28 December 2024

6 Days Marangu Route

10 Available / open

01 December 2024 to 08 December 2024

$1,976 Discount 10%

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Marangu Route Faq’s

Top most Frequently Asked Questions guide about Kilimanjaro Marangu Route. Jerry Tanzania Tours Has Collected All In the following Kilimanjaro Marangu Rotue FAQs List & have tried to solve them In the best Possible Way. Read On To Find Out.

The Marangu Route is 72 kilometres (45 miles). The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the southeast. The trail itself starts at Marangu gate. The route reaches the summit of Kilimanjaro at the Uhuru peak reaching a height of 5,895 metres (19,341 feet).

This route is attempted by many novice climbers every year as it offers comfortable hut accommodations. Many people attest that Marangu Route is less difficult compared to other hikes to the top of Kilimanjaro. The 5-day options can be very difficult as it does not allow for much time to acclimate to the altitude. The 6-day option is much easier, but a good level of fitness is still required.

As it is one of the shortest routes on the mountain, the Marangu Route has the lowest summit success rates around 80%. The 5 Days Marangu Route average success rate is 50%! We advise our climb with this in mind, so we only take the 6-day option which increases the success rate to over 85%!

The Marangu Route ascends through the rainforest, moorlands, and alpine areas before ending in the glacial zone. This Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climb is very beautiful and is the only route that allows you to descend the same way you ascended.

July-September is the Best Time To Climb Kilimanjaro. But since Marangu Route is close to the equator it is possible to Climb Kilimanjaro at any time of the year. April and May is the rainy season so this period is best avoided.

Marangu Route Preparation includes any physical activity you can participate before your ascent. It depends upon how hard you train before the climbing, whether you're aiming for the Uhuru Peak or embarking on a shorter journey and this will be different for everyone.

Marangu Route offers striking scenery of its surroundings although it is less scenic when compared with the other routes because the ascent and descent follow the same trail which usually receives high traffic of climbers.

Even though the route might be crowded at times, the path is well maintained due to it is frequently used and popular.

The Marangu Route is widely-considered to be the cheapest route up the mountain since it can be completed in as little as five days.

However, the Marangu Route Cost will vary based on a few factors, such as what season you choose to hike, whether you choose the five or six-day option, or whether you choose to use a Western guiding company or communicate directly with a local guiding company.

Jeremiah Kimambo

Managing Director

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