Kilimanjaro Temperature is not so similar within a day. So it’s always best to research the Kilimanjaro Weather before going on Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
Best Time To Climb Kilimanjaro is considered by many factors like season, route, month weather condition, etc. At the summit, Uhuru Peak, the night time temperatures can range between 20 and -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-7 to -29 degrees Celsius). Due to Mount Kilimanjaro’s great height, the Kilimanjaro Trek creates its own weather. It is extremely variable and impossible to predict. Therefore, regardless of when you climb, you should always be prepared for wet days and cold nights.

- Due to the immediacy to the equator Mount Kilimanjaro doesn’t have extensive temperature variation from season to season, Instead, the Mount Kilimanjaro Temperature is resolute more so by the elevation and what time of day it is.
- The base temperature of Mount Kilimanjaro starts is around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 27 degrees Celsius). It will gradually decrease by summiting 5 ecological zones.
- The weather differs from extreme hot to extreme cold within the identical day. Instead, the temperatures on Mount Kilimanjaro are resolute more by the elevation and time of day.
- At the base of Kilimanjaro, the regular temperature is nearly 21 to 27 °C and at the summit, Uhuru Peak, the night temperature would between 0 and -30 °C.
- Kilimanjaro Weather forms on its own which would be enormously changeable and tricky to predict.
- Even if the Best Time To Climb Kilimanjaro correspond with the “dry” seasons, rain, and snow are possible at any time of the year.
- Position at 19,341 ft above sea level, Kilimanjaro is big enough to generate its own climate. Being on the equator implies the trade winds that move across the ocean, drawing moisture upwards are interrupted by the mountain.

Going to higher and higher up, climate conditions will change through climate zones.
Cultivation Zone:
Height: 2,600 to 6,000 ft (800 to 1,800 m)
Rainfall: 20 to 70 in (500 to 1,800 mm)
The bottom surrounded the Kilimanjaro is the cultivation zone. Include many farmlands having fertile volcanic soil; this area has ample annual rainfall.
Rain Forest Zone:
Height: 6,000 to 9,200 ft (1,800 to 2,800 m)
Rainfall: 79 to 40 in (2,000 to 1,000 mm)
In additionally Begin your go up in the tropical rain forest, the montane forest that gives out to absorb most of the moisture coming off the Kilimanjaro. Temperature condition is habitually warm and humid, with mists forming under the intense cover. During the trekking may be muddy underfoot you will get.
Heath/Moorland Zone
Height: 9,200 to 13,200 ft (2,800 to 4,000 m)
Rainfall: 51 to 21 in (1,300 to 530 mm)
Obviously, after climbing all the way through the jungle, come out from the trees to the Moorland Zone. The dense forest gives way to tall grasses and giant heathers, and you’ll be barer to the wind and rain.
Kilimanjaro’s Temperature remains the same all through the day but falls down considerably at night-time. Humidity reduces, tracks are dryer, and generally, it’s a more comfy mountaineering practice.
The rays of the sun can be harsh, so sunscreen is mandatory, and temperatures at night can be bitterly cold.
Alpine/High Desert Zone:
Height: 13,200 to 16,500 ft (4,000 to 5,000 m)
Rainfall: 10 in (250 mm)
As a result, Climbing higher will enter the High Desert Zone, dry with only small strong plants in existence at a height where wind hustle continues to boost with slight rainfall.
Although the daytime temperature will pretty warm, and at sunset, the mercury drops rapidly the after become cooler. The outlook is extensive and spectacular, the track dustier and the atmosphere much thinner.
Arctic Zone:
Height: 16,500+ ft (5,000+ m)
Rainfall: 4 in (100 mm)
It’s also known as Uhuru Peak, very modest rainfall (generally precipitation falls as snow) this infertile desert is considered by huge rocky protrusion and glaciers.
It’s also called “extreme altitude”. Hence this peak has nearly 49% of the oxygen at sea level. For this reason, it’s extremely cold, with stormy winds and nighttimes temperatures are just glacial. As you head out for your summit attempt, ice and snow may become underfoot, it’s acrimoniously cold, even at midday the sunlight is harsh. Dry air will dehydrate quickly, and you’ll need warm layers to carry on your core temperature up.
Therefore Kilimanjaro forms its own weather which can be extremely inconsistent and tricky to expect. Trekkers require being equipped for warm, sunny conditions, and rain, wind, cold, and even snow.

June to September (Long Dry)
The long dry period is probably the best time of year to climb Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Temperatures will be slightly colder than the short dry season but overall conditions will superb with a modest probability of precipitation.
October to December (Short Wet Season)
The point in time of this season is less conventional than during the long rains. Not recommend for mountaineering once the rainfall has set in.
January to February (Short Dry)
This is the Best Time To Climb Kilimanjaro. Temperatures are usually a bit warmer than between June and October. It may vary every year.
March to May (Long Wet)
At the end of March, when the trade winds blow crosswise on the Indian Ocean in contact with the mountain, the long rains embark on. A big no to climbs during this season as the rain can be intense, making the trails wet and hazardous.

Therefore aim to catch the Uhuru Peak at sunrise, as the clear sky and you’ll be pleasured to Immeasurable panoramic views of Tanzania and out over the African plains. At the summit, Uhuru Point, the temperatures at night may range between 20 and -20 degrees. Due to the grand Kilimanjaro Summit, the mountain builds its own climate condition.
Going up to Kilimanjaro summit is equal to feel different climates at the different peaks of the mountain. Kilimanjaro Temperature is very important to know by the trekkers. To know more about Kilimanjaro Hike don’t forget to contact Jerry Tanzania Tours.
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February 25, 2023 at 11:29 am