Ngorongoro Conservation Area – Beginners Bush Guide For Unforgettable Wilderness Experience

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of Africa’s most valuable treasures and is among the most visited Tanzania National Parks. The protection area traverses large areas of savanna, highland plains, and forests, covering 8,292 km² of the region.

A UNESCO Heritage Site and recorded among the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa. With over 25,000 animals including the Big Five, which make the crater their home. Also, it can frequently be sighted here!

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is not only famous for its wildlife but it also noted for the Maasai tribe. They live off the land, amicably with the wildlife that occupies the territory. As the clan has dairy cattle, sheep, jackasses, and goats, they additionally move around the region.

Here is a complete guide to Ngorongoro Conservation Area during your Tanzania Safari Tours:

Location Of Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is situated in Tanzania, 180km/112 mi west of Arusha, in the Crater Highlands territory.

It is neighboring Serengeti National Park and Maswa Game Reserve, while Tarangire National Park and Mt. Kilimanjaro are additionally close by.

History Of Ngorongoro Conservation Area

History Of Ngorongoro Conservation Area

The name Ngorongoro originates from the Maasai clan. The interpretation is generally “Gift Of Life.” There is the Olduvai Gorge arranged in the plains territory of the preservation. This is broadly viewed as the most significant prehistoric site on the planet. Also, the famous Mary and Louis Leakey researched in the valley. The impressions and skeletal parts have been instrumental in seeing early human advancement and improvement.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area was formed in 1976. With its deep connections to humanity, cultural heritage is very much prized concerning protection.

It is a region of land that has profound significance for both humans and wildlife. Also, it is the main Tanzania Destinations where both human settlements, Maasai tribesmen, and animals live respectively. When driving around the crater edge visitors will see pastoralist towns with the Zebra and buffalo walking through groups of cattle. So, don’t miss this wonderful conservation area during your Tanzania Safari Tours.

How To Get There?

How To Get There?

The best choice is to fly into either Arusha Airport (ARK) or Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO). From where you can go on a self-drive safari. The distance between Arusha Airport and Ngorongoro Crater is about 167km/103.8 mi (3 hours evaluated drive time). From Kilimanjaro Airport, the distance is somewhat more (219 km/136 mi, about 4.5 hours assessed drive time).

Weather Or When To Go There?

Weather Or When To Go There?

Ngorongoro Crater offers heavenly wildlife seeing all year. However, during the dry season (June to September), the grass on the crater floor is short making it simpler to spot the animals.

Then again, during the wet season (November to May), the view is lavish and tremendous. So if stunning views are something you’re searching for, this might be the best time to go.

Top Ngorongoro Activities To Do

Ngorongoro Walking Safari Tour

Below are listed some of the best activities which you can do during your visit to Ngorongoro

Game Drive Safari:

With over 25,000 animals, Ngorongoro is the perfect destination to spot game animals during your Tanzania Tours And Safaris.

Walking Safari:

It also offers great walking safari opportunities along the rim of the carter, from where you can spot the stunning landscape teeming with wildlife.

Birding Watching Tour:

Ngorongoro Conservation Area has a vast, fascinating aviary fauna. More than 500 species of bird have been recorded within the area making it a paradise for bird lovers. Crowned cranes, white pelicans, flamingos, ostriches, secretary birds, white-eyed slaty flycatchers, and the Livingstone turaco are a few of the birds that can be spotted in the area.

Photographic Safari:

The picturesque landscape and blusterous wildlife offer perfect fame for photography. So, if you love photography, then Ngorongoro is the perfect destination for you.

Where To Stay?

Ngorongoro Accommodation

Inside Ngorongoro Conservation Area there are a lot of accommodation options ranging from campsites to luxury lodges.

Both inside the Conservation Area and outside of it, there are extravagance lodges. They feature different kinds of rooms with en-suite washroom, AC, with bars, restaurants, and pool also.

A safari to Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a unique opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. But Tanzania is a land of miscellaneous, each & every part of it is full of adventure & represents a new story. If you wish to know more about this iconic land, read our blog “A Sweet & Most Informative Introduction About Tanzania Safari”

So, if you want to discover this stunning destination during your Tanzania Safari Tours then contact us today. Our experts, at Jerry Tanzania Tours, will happy to help you to customize your holiday according to your desires, preference, and wants. For more info visit us @

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