23 Jun


By Jerry Tanzania Tours

Training For Kilimanjaro

A highly pumping heart with blocked airways and blurred vision can make the worse condition of even so the professional hikers. It is how the high altitude, as well as adverse weather conditions of Kilimanjaro, works. So, Training For Kilimanjaro is very essential to avoid muscular exhaustion, breathlessness, altitude sickness, and worst climatic condition especially in the Alpine desert zone of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Despite being the tallest mountain that is accessible to most people, Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro needs both physical endurance and strong willpower to achieve the summit with an altitude of 5, 895m.

In general, for a successful summit, you need to know the fitness requirements for Kilimanjaro Altitude Sickness. On the positive side, to enhance your fitness prevention of altitude sickness, breathlessness, Foot pain, Knee pain, then you should Preparing To Climb Mount Kilimanjaro with some training plan.


Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro doesn’t require technical skills but physical and mental toughness never be underestimated. So, it is very essential before starting the Training For Kilimanjaro to enhance your physical capability for the summit.

Training For Kilimanjaro

The adverse climatic condition, the high altitude of Mount Kilimanjaro challenge the body and also mind of every trekker. Kilimanjaro Training Program meets the physical as well as the mental requirement for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

How Much Training Is Needed For Kilimanjaro includes some exercises to beat altitude sickness, fatigue, exhaustion, breathlessness, Foot pain, Knee pain, Joint pain, and dehydration during the trekking.

There are different exercises include the Kilimanjaro Training Program. Overall , it categorized by the enhancement of your strength, fitness, and stamina.


Training Program To Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Aerobic Training – To reach oxygen to meet the energy demands.

For Example: walking, swimming, spinning, walking “up & down”, long-distance jogging, and cycling.

  • Cardiovascular Training – To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system or heart.

Examples: breathing exercises, jumping jacks, walking jacks, burpees, stairs, sprints, High knees, hiking, and also running.

  • Strength Training – Supplying proper oxygen to meet the energy demands on the junction part of the body. Strength Training For Kilimanjaro also enhances the strength of the knee, legs, and shoulders. Lunges, Squats, Front and Reverse leg-curls, and Step aerobics are the best to strengthen the lower part of the body.

Although to strengthen the upper and core body part you can practice Sit-ups, Kettle-bell rows or Swings, Back and Shoulder flies, Shoulder presses, Hip roll exercises.

  • Fitness Training – The Fitness Training For Kilimanjaro should be a good mix of stair masters, uphill treadmill climbs, as well as breathing exercises. You should alternate days using the stair master and the treadmill, but do these exercises with around six kilograms of weight on your back.

In short as the best Kilimanjaro Tour Operator, we have developed a 12-week training program to enhance your capability and Altitude Training for Kilimanjaro.

Won't you join us on the Roof of Africa?

Won't you join us on the Roof of Africa?

Jerry Tanzania Tours is one of the no 1 reputable operators on Mount Kilimanjaro, leading over 1000 climbs and guiding more than 2,000 people every year. All agree you won't find a better Kilimanjaro outfitter for your Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Choose From Varied Price Options For Different Routes To Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Get Quotes Instantly! CONTINUE READING


Week -1
  1. Monday: 2 to 3 miles jogging. Brisk fitness walks.
  2. Tuesday: 30 minutes for stretching.
  3. Wednesday: 2 miles jogging. Brisk walk for 1 hour.
  4. Thursday: Swimming for 20 minutes.
  5. Friday: Take rest
  6. Saturday: 2 hours hiking to your nearest elevation/walking “up & down” on your staircase.
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week – 2
  1. Monday: 3 miles jogging
  2. Tuesday: Sit-ups, Kettle-bell rows for 30 minutes
  3. Wednesday: 3 miles jogging and swimming 30 minutes
  4. Thursday: Take rest.
  5. Friday: Walking for 45 minutes
  6. Saturday: 3 hours hiking to your nearest elevation/walking “up & down” on your staircase.
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week – 3
  1. Monday: 3 miles of jogging and sit-ups to strengthen the core muscle for 30 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: Brisk walk or swimming for 45 minutes.
  3. Wednesday: Jogging for 3 miles
  4. Thursday: walking “up and down” hills or 3 hours hiking to your nearest elevation and Squat Curl Overhead Press exercise.
  5. Friday: Take rest.
  6. Saturday: 4 hours walking or hiking practice
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week – 4
  1. Monday: 3 miles jogging or walking
  2. Tuesday: Stretching or aerobic for 30 minutes.
  3. Wednesday: Swimming for 30 minutes
  4. Thursday: Relax
  5. Friday: Exercise for core and walking.
  6. Saturday: walking “up & down” on the staircase for 5 hours and Brisk walk
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week- 5
  1. Monday: 4 miles jogging and core muscle exercises for 30 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: Sets and repetitions for 30 minutes on hiking
  3. Wednesday: 3 miles jogging and circuit training for 30 minutes.
  4. Thursday: Swimming for 45 minutes.
  5. Friday: Relax
  6. Saturday: 4-hour brisk walks with hiking practice
  7. Sunday: 30 minutes circuit or cardio exercises like, jumping jacks, walking jacks, burpees, stairs, sprints, high knees, etc.
Week- 6
  1. Monday: 5-mile jogging and core muscle exercises for 30 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: Swimming for 45 minutes.
  3. Wednesday: 4-mile jogging and core muscle exercises for 30 minutes.
  4. Thursday: 30 minutes circuit hill workout.
  5. Friday: 3 miles jogging and 30 minutes cardio workout.
  6. Saturday: 5-hour hiking or jogging.
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week- 7
  1. Monday: 4 miles jogging and 20 minutes swimming.
  2. Tuesday: 5 miles jogging
  3. Wednesday: Take rest.
  4. Thursday: 4 miles jogging and 30 minutes cardio or circuit workout.
  5. Friday: Take rest.
  6. Saturday: 5-hour hiking and 1 hour walking “up & down” on stairs.
  7. Sunday: Relax.
Week – 8
  1. Monday: cardio or circuit workout for 45 minutes and exercises to strengthen the core muscle for 30 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: 12 repetitions hiking with a backpack.
  3. Wednesday: 30 minutes circuit or cardio exercises and stretching.
  4. Thursday: Swimming 45 minutes.
  5. Friday: Jogging 6 miles.
  6. Saturday: Take rest.
  7. Sunday: 6 hours of hiking practice with a backpack.
Week – 9
  1. Monday: 15 reps hiking practice and jogging for 4 miles.
  2. Tuesday: 20 minutes circuit and 30 minutes of cardio exercises
  3. Wednesday: Swimming 45 minutes.
  4. Thursday: Take rest.
  5. Friday: Take rest.
  6. Saturday: 6 hours of hiking practice and running.
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week – 10
  1. Monday: 5 miles jogging and stretching the overall body for flexibility.
  2. Tuesday: Swimming for 45 minutes.
  3. Wednesday: Take rest.
  4. Thursday: 2 miles running with target and 20 minutes circuit or cardio exercises.
  5. Friday: Relax
  6. Saturday: 8 hours of hiking practice and running.
  7. Sunday: Take rest.
Week – 11
  1. Monday: Jogging 5 miles and stretching the overall body for flexibility for 30 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: 3 miles jogging.
  3. Wednesday: Hiking practice on the nearest hill with lifting 10 lbs weight.
  4. Thursday: 5 miles jogging.
  5. Friday: Take rest.
  6. Saturday: 8 hours of hiking practice and running.
  7. Sunday: Relax.
Week – 12
  1. Monday: 5 miles of hiking practice with a backpack.
  2. Tuesday: 2 miles running with setting the time and target.
  3. Wednesday: Relax and do stretching in your free time.
  4. Thursday: 3 miles fast running.
  5. Friday: 8 miles jogging.
  6. Saturday: Relax
  7. Sunday: Take rest and enjoy Sunday.


As shown above, are you wondering How To Train For Kilimanjaro Climb? Don’t forget to warm up and stretching before starting any strength and aerobic exercises. Keep hydrated yourself during the training hours. These included schedules as well as planning in our training program for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro which will make you unstoppable, strong, and full of stamina with a high metabolism.

You can train yourself to match the demanding fitness consequently to Kilimanjaro Training. The Training For Kilimanjaro not only boosts your fitness but also boosts your mental and physical preparedness.

Although, Jerry Tanzania Tours provides the Training For Kilimanjaro through our experienced and professional trainer. Thus, our expert trekking guides, porters, and other staffs are highly-skilled, and well-experienced to make your climbing smooth and successful. So start your adventure of a lifetime visit @ jerrytanzaniatours.com

jerry tanzania tours

Jerry Tanzania Tours is one of the no 1 reputable operators on Mount Kilimanjaro, leading over 1000 climbs and guiding 2,000 people every year. We do what we state and are focused on our customers. Because of which we endeavour to push our limits and surpass their desire by giving them the best climbing experience. Won't you join us on the Roof of Africa?

In Conclusion - Kilimanjaro Training Plan

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is an incredible experience and, with a Kilimanjaro training plan, can be achieved by most, regardless of age or physical condition. Once you have your cardiovascular system up and running then all you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to push yourself.

More important than this is allowing your body to acclimatize to the altitude. More often than not, climbers will not reach the summit due to altitude issues. We recommend reading HOW TO TRAIN FOR KILIMANJARO CLIMB– TIPS FOR YOUR KILIMANJARO TRAINING TO REACHING THE TOP as it provides detailed information in preparing for altitude acclimatization.

If you have any questions about the Kilimanjaro Training Plan, then email us and we will respond as soon as possible.

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