A prey has to run faster than a predator or it will be a meal. A predator must run faster than its prey or it dies of hunger.
Researchers found that humans can run at the highest speed of 40 MPH, in theory. But when it comes to the actual scenario, then the world’s fastest man “Usain Bolt” is just 27 MPH fast in a 100m sprint race. But it is sad to say that this speed is not enough to compete with the Top 10 Fastest Animals On Land. Tanzania Safari Tours provide real insights, are you wanting to take a view?
Every day these animals compete with each other to see the next day. Even the biggest mammal on the earth “Elephant” gains a speed of 24 mph to escape from hunters.
These animals can be spotted in various places on the African continent. But if you want to encounter them together, then the best place is Tanzania Safari in East African country.
Tanzania Destinations support numerous wildlife as well as various wonders of Africa. Millions of tour and safari lovers visit this country every year.
The best thing is that you can even encounter the “10 Fastest Animals On Land In Tanzania”.
So Let’s Know Who These 10 Fastest Animals Are, And How Fast They Are:
10. Giraffe
Giraffe is ranked 10th is this list. Normally, Giraffe runs at a speed of 60 Kilometers per hour. Having more speed than humans than also this species is considered a slow-motion animal.
Giraffes have long and strong legs, as well as their palm, are plain, which helps them to run faster on the ground. But their extra-sized body makes them one of the best meals of predators.
09. Leopard
Leopard or Panthera Pardus seems to be similar to cheetah but they are too slow in comparison. Standing on 9th rank this wildlife is having the highest speed of 36 miles per hour.
Leopard is having strong retractable claws that help them to climb on trees as well as jump to a long distance. African Leopard is considered one of the endangered species of the world.
But you can encounter one of them during Tanzania Safari Tours.
08. African Wild Dog
One of the smaller and endangered predators of the world the African Wild Dog can run up to a speed of 44 miles per hour.
These species of animals mostly depend on other prey, and also known as painted hunting dogs. Among all the predators the African wild dogs are having the highest success rate.
African wild dogs always remain and hunt in groups. With their lightweight body, this predator is having the ability to chase prey up to miles.
07. Ostrich
Ostrich is one of the biggest bird and having quite a similar size to the emu. But the best fact is that this only bird has been ranked 7th on this list of the fastest sprinter.
Ostrich can run at a speed of 45 miles per hour, even if in some countries they are being used as safari animals. Ostrich has two long legs with strong foot and leg bones to run faster.
Wildebeest is the most common animal that can be encountered in Tanzania. They are one of the most populated species that take part in the Great Serengeti Migration.
These animals are having lean legs and a lightweight body to escape from the claws of predators. But they have weak sighting sense and better hearing and smelling sense.
Wildebeest can run at a speed of 40 miles per hour. The fact about these species is they can run faster than a lion.
05. Lion
The King of Jungle Lion is the 5th fastest land animal on our list that can run nearly equal to 50 mph. Lion weighs up to 250 Kg and has a strong muscular body to sprint faster.
A lion can sprint only for a few minutes while chasing its prey and then get slowed down. So, the maximum of their prey gets escaped from them. Mostly Lions hunt singly whereas lioness hunt in groups.
04. Thomson Gazelle
With a speed of 52 miles per hour, Thomson Gazelle is ranked 4th among the fastest animals in the world. These antelopes can be easily seen in the plains of Serengeti & many other national parks of Tanzania.
Being a favorite food of all predators Thomson Gazelles have developed this skill as a weapon of defense. These species of antelopes are having strong legs with higher stamina to run faster up to a longer distance.
03. Springbok
SpringBok the name itself describes everything about it. As this antelope jumps higher to a height of 3 meters, so it is called as spring whereas, Bok means a species of goat.
These species of antelope use to jump in place of running. They can move at the highest speed of 55 miles per hour. Because of their light body and stronger athletic legs they can jump and move faster.
02. Pronghorn Antelope
In second place stands the Prong Horn Antelope with a speed of 61 miles per h0ur. It’s been believed that pronghorn is one of the newest antelope species.
All the antelope run faster but among them, Prong Horn is the fastest, and can easily escape from any predators. They are having thin legs and lightweight bodies to catch the speed in a single sprint.
Though it is rarely found in Africa but can be easily spotted in Tanzania.
01. Cheetah
Standing on rank one “Cheetah” is the fastest land animal in the world. Within 3 seconds this predator can catch up to a speed of 70 miles per hour which makes it fastest and furious among all. Unlike the other cats, cheetahs have non-retractable claws which help them to get a better grip on the ground while on their top speed. Moreover, their long tails help them to stabilize & change the direction without any injury while at a speed of 120 km/h. This tremendous body mechanism of cheetah makes them the fastest & furious in the animal kingdom
Cheats are the lightest among big cats, weighing 45 to 60 Kg, and mostly live in grassland. The best thing is that cheetah never attacks humans and can be considered as one of the costliest pets.
These 10 Marvelous Sprinters Of The Planet have played an impressive role in nature, either to defend or kill. In the food cycle, these animals are engaged in different layers. Some get food or get eaten but the race of life never stops.
A Tanzania Wildlife Safari with some of the best operators like Jerry Tanzania Tours will offer you the opportunity to encounter these animals from a closer distance.
With our several Tanzania Safari Packages, you can have an exclusive view of Tanzania Destinations. If you are planning to go for Tanzania Safari then Enquire us Now.