Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro requires lots of planning and preparation. You must know what goes inside your Kilimanjaro Gear List. Duffel Bag is one of the most necessary items to add to your gear list. Duffel bag caries your sleeping bag, clothes, rain gear, sleeping mats, food, etc. So it is very important to get yourself a good quality Duffel Bag For Climbing Kilimanjaro that holds all your essential items and is comfortable enough to carry. The Kilimanjaro National Park authorities have permitted the duffel bag to be not more than 15 Kg (33 lbs.).

You do not carry your duffel bag, porters carry it. During your Kilimanjaro Trek, your duffel bag is taken from campsite to campsite according to the porter’s pace. It is very much likely to arrive at the next campsite before you do. The porters carry it on their head or like a backpack (if possible) along with their own backpack. So you need to make sure that the weight of the bag is within the limit and comfortable for them.
There are many characteristics to consider while purchasing a good duffel bag for your Kilimanjaro Hike, such as:
The most important decision when purchasing a duffel bag is the capacity. The duffel bag will carry the sleeping bag, so you must choose such a bag that can fit all the gears you need while Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
However, Duffel bags of various capacities are available in the market. We suggest you go for a duffel bag of 80 – 90 liters capacity. A bag of this size will carry all the required items in your Kilimanjaro Packing List.
If you are a light traveler, you can always go for smaller duffel bags of 50 – 60 liters. This depends entirely on the climber and the amount of gear he/she brings.
In fact, the maximum weight you can carry in your duffel bag is 15 kg (33 lbs.), as permitted by the park authorities. So, you must get a duffel bag that is as lightweight as possible. The average empty duffel bag weighs 3 – 4 kg. Anything more than that will bind you to take fewer Gears.
- The duffle bag should be waterproof so that it keeps your items dry.
- The zipper should be of the best quality so that it doesn’t break or slip easily.
- The duffel bag may be used roughly. So make sure it is very much durable.
- The hand and shoulder straps should be as light and waterproof.
- The material should be sturdy enough to last for long trekking days.

Although we have listed few duffel bags that will be best suited for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro:
1. North Face Base Camp Duffel
- It is the most popular and preferred duffle bag among Kilimanjaro Travellers.
- It is made of waterproof and durable laminate material.
- The zipper compartment in this duffel bag is on the end which is designed to keep your dirty clothes separately from your clean ones.
- The main compartment has a mesh sleeve for additional items.
2. Helly Hansen Duffel
- It is slightly cheaper than the North Face Duffel bag, but with good quality.
- It is made up of nylon tarpaulin material which is waterproof.
- It has a total of 3 compartments for extra packing.
3. REI Roadtripper Duffel
- It is made of Cordura polyester making it scratchproof and waterproof.
- It is very lightweight.
- It contains a handle that wraps around the whole bag, making the load much easier.
- It has one main compartment and one side compartment.
While Preparing To Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, you will need two types of bags:
- Duffel Bag
- Daypack/Backpack
Your Kilimanjaro Daypack will carry immediate hiking gear such as water, toiletries, snacks, hats, gloves, first aid kit, sunscreen, lip balm, money, passport, etc. You will carry your daypack with yourself always. So it is very important to purchase a lightweight, waterproof, and durable backpack.

- The backpack should be at least 25 – 30 liters of capacity.
- Compression straps should be present to reduce weight pressure from your back.
- It should be waterproof. If it’s not waterproof, make sure it has a rain cover.
- Choose one with lots of compartments.
- Side pockets to hold your water bottles.
Hence it is very important to pack the right items to add to your Kilimanjaro Gear List. Normally the duffel bags are carried by the porters, so it very much necessary to bring a bag with utmost comfort and durability. Contact Jerry Tanzania Tours for more information about Kilimanjaro Gear List and climbing packages.